My Five Quick Pick-Me-Ups That Can Get You Through The Day

Hello lovelies, hoping and praying that you are having a good week thus far! I put a list together of my “Five Quick Pick-Me-Ups” that I think you can do from your own home that don’t cost you a thing! From hanging out with girlfriends to buying you those pretty flowers, or having a perk box, there is many things you can do to boost your spirits when you are feeling down or not in the best mood. It’s a WHOLE lot going on in the world right now and we all have to find different ways to pick ourselves up when we get a bit overwhelmed, I hope these ideas help you. Be blessed and safe out there!

  • Start out thinking only happy thoughts! I start each day with a clear mind, body and soul. I meditate first, journal all things I’m grateful for and sit in silence and clear my head. This works for me!
  • Good music to set the tone of the day! Whatever gets your heart rate up, crank that! I dance around the house, clean and play with my grandson. We dance a lot in my house! And believe me, it makes a total difference. Listening to cheerful music boosts your mood in so many ways.
  • I love to go grocery shopping early a.m. and just browse the aisles and see what’s new! I often buy fresh flowers as well. Flowers are a great pick me up and can shift your mood. From the smell of them to how vibrant their colors are, splurge on a new bouquet.
  • Do you have a perk box? Meaning, do you have a keepsake box of mementos from fun events, like a ticket stub from a concert or perhaps photos from a family members baby shower or wedding? Or maybe a love letter or special card someone mailed you? Pull those out and just sit back and remanence!
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Karma is REAL! I always pay it forward in some type of way plus it makes you feel good! I often go to drive thrus and pay for the car behind me or donate to a go fund me when something I see touches my heart! I also give out bags of toiletries when I see homeless women. Give back to others in need!

Bonus: I always make plans to meet with at least one of my girlfriends weekly to catch up on what’s going on in their lives over breakfast or lunch. Surround yourself with others that make you feel good and I’m sure you have a few meaningful relationships to maintain your happiness.

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from Talking With Tami

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