Set in modern-day America, Peacock’s new one-hour drama series Bel-Air imagines the beloved sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air through a new, dramatic take on Will’s complicated journey from the streets of West Philadelphia to the gated mansions of Bel-Air. As these two worlds collide, Will reckons with the power of second chances while navigating the conflicts, emotions, and biases of a world far different from the only one he’s ever known.
Executive produced by Will Smith, and inspired by Morgan Cooper’s viral trailer that reimagined the iconic, culture-defining ‘90s sitcom, Bel-Air takes a fresh and raw approach to this world of swagger, style, and aspiration, while exploring Will’s complex journey through a current lens. The new series features an ensemble cast that introduces Jabari Banks as Will and a creative team that includes Cooper, who serves as director, co-writer, and executive producer, and co-showrunners and executive producers T.J. Brady and Rasheed Newson.
Cassandra Freeman as “Vivian Banks” (The Enemy Within, Atlanta)
Adrian Holmes (Rt) as “Phillip Banks” (At That Age, V Wars)
Coco Jones as “Hilary Banks” (Let it Shine, Vampires vs. The Bronx)
Olly Sholotan (Lt) as “Carlton Banks” (Run Hide Fight, Evolution of Nate Gibson)
Launching February 13, 2022
The post First Look: Bel-Air Starring Jabari Banks appeared first on Talking With Tami.
from Talking With Tami