Feel Good Friday: Visiting My Old College 36 Years Later!

Time sure flies and waits for no-one! I recently went home to visit my family and friends. It felt so good to see everyone. I haven’t been to my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio in over a year, so it was about time I made a visit! Once I landed, my best friend Heather suggested we take a fun road trip to Kent, Ohio to visit our old alma mater, Kent State University! This is where we both met in 1986, so it’s been over 36 years and boy has it changed. Once we arrived, the first thing we wanted to see was our old dorm!

We both stayed in Korb Hall room #206 and that’s where we met! We both were sophomores and surprisingly enough, we were also from Cleveland, Ohio too! We became fast friends and have been inseparable ever since! We have so many great memories from being in college and I could go on and on but yes, we both started crying once we pulled up to the building! Back in the day, Korb Hall was an all-girl dorm. Now it’s co-ed and on our floor, it’s all males. I walked up and knocked on the door and a young college student answered the door. I know it was so random but I was curious lol. Unexpectedly, I asked if we could see our old room and he was happy to show us around. The room was so SMALL omg! I can’t believe it was three of us in that room lol. Not much has changed, it’s still cozy and quaint but it was great to see it!

We then headed over to the student center and saw the old cafeteria. EVERYTHING is high tech now and it looks so different! We walked that campus for days on end and now I see how we both stayed so slim and trim back then ha! I studied Business Management and Heather studied Hospitality/Administration. If you went to college have you done the same? I had someone reach out to me the other day and said they did the same when their child went off to school. Their child attended the same college they once went to. See all the fun snaps and have a great weekend everyone! This makes for a great feel good Friday!

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from Talking With Tami https://ift.tt/tAw6pIP

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