Working in Healthcare: 7 Tips for Adults Returning to Education

When fulfilling a healthcare role as a young adult or adult, the chances are high that you might want to undergo further qualifications and training at some point in your career due to the great number of future prospects offered in the healthcare industry. Perhaps you want to rise to the top of your field, make a role switch to a higher-paid one, or maybe just achieve your own personal career goals by pushing yourself to the next step.  

Nevertheless, the thought of returning to education to gain a new qualification as an adult can be challenging — especially when you’re already working within such a demanding job industry, which takes up a lot of energy and hours. 

To make the process easier, here are seven tips for adults in healthcare wanting to return to education:

  1. Make Sure Loved Ones Know Your Study Plans

Your free time might be more limited, which means it’s always a good idea to explain to friends and family why you might be busier during your studies. You may need to turn down more social events or ask for privacy if studying from home in a shared household. 

  1. Get Reacquainted with Your Own Learning Style 

It might have been a long time since you had to think about this, but remembering how you best learn and retain information will be a huge help for your study plans. You might: 

  • Learn better using visual prompts
  • Learn through taking extensive notes
  • Study more successfully when listening to music 
  • Be more productive at a certain time of day 

Get to know yourself again in terms of your study habits so that you can best implement them. 

  1. Set Your Own Deadlines

Deadlines are extremely helpful for avoiding procrastination or losing concentration. You’ll naturally have official deadlines for your own student work due, but creating your own deadlines within your own schedule can be a huge help. 

If you know that you only have one night a week free to study during a particularly busy week, you may need to complete an assignment that evening, even if it’s a significant time before the deadline. Or, maybe setting deadlines throughout the day such as ‘I want to get this particular piece of work done by lunchtime’ will help you to work more successfully. 

  1. Online Learning is a Great Choice 

Earning any new qualification online instead of attending physical classes is going to be a huge boon for an already busy working schedule. Online learning means that you can study in a more flexible way and fit your learning around your other commitments. You can earn new qualifications or take the next step in rising to the top, such as an online doctor of nursing practice qualification, by studying from the comfort of your own home. 

This option may also work out significantly cheaper than tuition fees for physically attending colleges. 

  1. Always Make a Schedule 

Schedules for any student are key, but for an adult returning to education who is trying to balance work and other responsibilities, too, a schedule is an absolute must. 

Try to plan out your week in advance so that you know the best times when you can study, when you have time for socializing, and when you have time for yourself. 

  1. Don’t Burn Yourself Out

Returning to studying doesn’t mean that you have to work as hard as possible to make it all worthwhile and forgo any downtime in the process. Even as a busy student and a busy worker, you’re still entitled to take a break when you need it and have a day off. 

Don’t feel guilty for time spent not working or studying, as avoiding burnout is key for you to continue to work productively and avoid getting ill. 

Returning to education should never come at the cost of your own physical or mental wellbeing, so always look after your health during your studying. 

  1. Always Keep Your Goals in Mind 

Finally, goals are key. You’re returning to education as an adult for a reason, whether it’s to improve your own skills or to further your career, so always remember why you’re doing it. This will help to keep you motivated during your studies and help you to focus on the bigger picture. Keep your long-term goals in mind and try to enjoy your studying as part of a bigger process which you know is everything you’re looking to accomplish. 

Good luck!


(Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)

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