Great News: I’m A New Lifestyle Contributor At Yahoo Lifestyle!

I’ve been holding in this news in for over a week now but FINALLY I can share with you guys! I was on a Disney trip a few weeks back when I met a new friend by the name of Terri. We struck up a conversation because both of us were wearing the same Mickey Mouse earrings and we both complimented each other on them lol. We hit it off and that’s when she told me she was the Senior Lifestyle Editor over at Yahoo! I didn’t make much of it because most of the media that was down at Walt Disney World were huge media outlets.

We exchanged information and I went on about my day. The last day of Dreamers Academy, we said our goodbyes and I went on my way. Last week, she reached out to me and asked me if I had ever written for a publication or in the digital environment and I told her, why yes! I’ve contributed to quite a few magazines, like Today’s Black Woman, Essence, Ebony, Rolling Out and so many more, I can’t even remember all of them lol. She said she visited my website and loved my content and wanted to offer me a Lifestyle Contributor position at Yahoo Lifestyle! She pretty much hired me on the spot!

For the position, I will be doing pretty much the same kinda content that you guys see here. Mainly, travel, food, health, fashion, beauty, home, health, Disney, celebrities etc. Covering the newest lifestyle trends, creating and pitching exciting big stories and more.

I was floored, amazed and I was in total shock! So yes guys, I will be a new writer at Yahoo! and you can see my first article here. It went live this morning, so now I’m official! My first assignment was about Body Positivity and I got the chance to chat with three influencers who struggled with body image and more. It’s a great article and I have more coming down the pipeline! I’m very excited about this new journey and to see what else is in store! I’m definitely up for the challenge.

My girlfriend Ramona took me out to lunch to celebrate! I’m such a happy girl right now. I can’t thank Terri enough for this amazing opportunity! This is a Carrie Bradshaw dream! More inside…

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from Talking With Tami

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